Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I have bangs!!!

So...I haven't had any dreams in a while, except for one involving me and my sister catching and missing various trains which didn't make any sense in a linear or explainable way. However, I did promise to post some pictures of myself with my new haircut. If you want to see what I used to look like there is a really pretty one of me and Shelley and Ashley on Ashley's blog. But that's all old news. This is what I look like now!

and this is what i look like after just waking up in the morning:

and this is what i look like when my mouth is about to smile, but i'm not quite there, and i'm with my old roommate and good friend, lisa, who also has new and exciting hair like that girl in "Run Lola Run"

In this one I think I look exactly like my sister, Shelley.

Other news in my life. I just started my practicum yesterday. I'm in Kindergarten!!! It's going to be an interesting and challenging and fun experience. Right now, i'm completely exhausted. I'm hoping my body will get used to my new schedule (which excludes afternoon naps) soon.


So I just realized that I never answered Ashley's question in my comments from the last entry. Ashley, her name is really Lauren in real life. I had it right all along :)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Abandoned children and kitties

So, lo and behold, I had another dream last night. This one took place in the school where my choirs rehearse and I was there in the evening for jazz choir...we were recording a CD on this occasion with the other jazz choir in the organization, FORM. Some bits are foggy but it holds together pretty well. The first thing I remember is walking down the hallway of the school and seeing a cat run in one of the doors. It was making a bit of noise and kept looking up at everyone with the look that the kitty on Shrek 2 does. I think he was hungry.

anyway, FORM was trying to record a song in the hallway and they needed everything to be absolutely quiet so Scott asked me to take the cat outside. He had brought his cat to the school too, and they both needed to go outside. So I shut the door in the hallway and tried to herd these cats to the front entrance. Surprisingly they followed me and I let them outside, but the moment I tried to leave go back in again one of the cats got really upset and was desperately trying to get back in the school. The doors of the school close slowly, so i was finding it difficult to get inside and close the door fast enough without letting this cat back inside. It was around this time that I noticed there was a small blonde girl outside too. She looked to be about 3 years old and was all alone and it was pretty late in the evening, so I went back outside to see if I could help her.

At this pont there was some fogginess in what happened. I think I let the little girl into the school, but left her near the front entrance. At some point I found another little girl, maybe a little bit older with brown hair and a pink jacket on. I think I had left them both at the front of the school so if anyone came looking for them it would be easier to find them and got them a drink of water, and gave them whatever food I had on me, which wasn't very much. Then there is a big blank and it is the next morning at the school. I guess we had spent an all-nighter trying to record our CD. I seem to recall that it was also the weekend, since no other children were coming to school in the morning. I went back to check to see if those little girls were still there. they were, and they were super tired and hungry and begged me to bring them some more food. So I went back to the staff room of the school and tried to find them something else to eat.

A teacher from the school was in there making herself some breakfast, and I told her about the little girls and how they were hungry, and asked if i could take some of her fruit tray. Everything on the tray was pretty old and squishy looking and it didn't look like she was going to eat it, but she only let me take like one slice of apple and a few grapes. Then I noticed that she had like 10 or so bananas. There were two bunches, one that was still green looking and one that was ripe...to the point where it's still mostly yellow with a few brown spots on the peel. She told me I could take precisely 3 slices of a banana for the little girls. This was really frustrating to me because there was no way she was going to be able to eat all of these bananas before they went bad, and she had so many of them. She seemed to think that these kids were from a bad part of town and that their parents couldn't take care of them properly, and this affected her opinion of the girls. I noticed that by the sink there was another banana, but this one was way over-ripe and half eaten...but still...more substance than 3 slices. So I asked her if I could take the slimy brown leftover banana and she let me. That's all I remember of the dream.

The end.

laura, jam, and kindergarten classrooms

So in the last week or so I have had some weird and coherent dreams. This is a little strange because usually my dreams aren't complete enough to be able to explain them to anyone. Trying to explain them will go something like this "So I was in this place and it was all white and there was a guy there, and then i was eating jello in the desert and...well...that's all I remember of the dream." But since I can actually describe these dreams and they make sense, I am going to take the time to record them.

Dream #1: This was last Sunday night or more likely Monday morning. I was on a choir trip with my choir, Kokopelli, and I was sitting on the bus with another girl in the choir, Lauren. I don't know Lauren super well, and i guess i was trying to get to know her little better. So we were just sitting and chatting, and every time I said her name, she would whisper "Laura" at me. This happened about 5 or 6 times before I finally asked her, "You're name isn't Lauren, is it?" to which she replied, "No, it's Laura." Feeling confused and embarrassed, I turned around and looked at another girl, Allison, who was sitting a few seats back if that was true, and she solemnly nodded her head. The end.

Dream #2: Okay...so this one isn't exactly coherent or sense making...but it kind of has a story, so I'll tell it. I was sitting in a classroom with a bunch of people, one of them being my friend Keith...I have a vague sense that another guy I know from choir was there too, Alex, but he has nothing to do with the story. So in this this dream we were sitting in a classroom, and Keith had contained half of his sense of humour into some kind of receptacle. The receptacle in question was in fact a jar of homemade jam...I think maybe the jam was representing half of his sense of humour...i'm a little foggy on the details. so then, Keith chased me out into the hallway and was trying to pour the jam (his sense of humour?) onto me and I was trying to escape him, because I guess i didn't want to be all sticky. The end!

Dream #3: This one happened yesterday morning before my final final exam ever in life. I should also mention that I am starting my final 9-week practicum on Monday, which will conclude my Education Degree and my career as a University student. I have yet to find out what grade I will be teaching. I know that there are 4 student teachers at the school I will be in, and the available classrooms in the school are Grade 4, Grade 1, Kindergarten and Early Education. Knowing only this, I am hoping to be put in the Kindergarten classroom because I have done practicums in both Grades 1 and 4 and don't really know what this Early Education classroom is supposed to be about and how it is supposed to help me get a job in an elementary school. The idea of teaching Kindergarten is kind of exciting to me, as well :)

So this dream. Started with me waking up in the morning in my room and realizing that my practicum was starting that day because my Mentor teacher and about 10 Kindergarten students were in my room. She thought it would be a good idea if we had class in my room. I thought this was pretty nifty too, because it meant I didn't have to wake up early and take a bus anywhere in the morning. So we continue our day of teaching, and I start to notice a few things about this lady's teaching styles...she was more or less just really disorganized and kind of out of it. She didn't know how to control these children. If she wanted them to be quiet and settle down she would announce that it was nap time and have them all lie on the ground while we rubbed their backs until they were quiet and calm. The kids would just randomly leave the room to go to music class or the library or the bathroom and the teacher wouldn't even notice that they had left the room and then suddenly be like "oh where did those 5 kids go?" She seemed rather unconcerned that half her class had left the room and she didn't even notice. I, on the other hand, was concerned. Then I started thinking that having class in my bedroom, maybe wasn't the coolest idea after all. First of all, I pretty much live with my boyfriend and he doesn't leave for school until 9 or 9:30 usually, and since my school starts around 8, he would probably be disturbed by having a bunch of little kids running around every morning. also, i was concerned about having to keep the room really tidy all the time as there is usually an assortment of books, shoes adn clothes lying around the room. it was just another hassle for me to be concerned about. At this point i looked at my watch which read exactly 8:30. At this point I started to get very upset. My exam starts at 8:30. I quickly realized that this was not the day that I was supposed to start my practicum. My stupid mentor teacher had come a full 5 days early, and I didn't realize it until I was already late for my final exam. I remember feeling super annoyed about this because this lady couldn't even get the stupid day of the week right. I think i even yelled at her as I madly rushed around getting ready to leave the house in order to make it at least for most of my exam. Around this time I woke up, and looked at the clock, relieved that it was not 8:30 and I was not late for my exam. The end.

Well...that was fun...maybe I'll try this again sometime :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

So...i guess i have a blog

Umm...so this i just made this so I could post on my friend Ashley's blog. I'm excited for her to have one, but I'm not sure that I will use this very much...

we will see.