Monday, June 19, 2006

another cuh-razy dream

So...the other night I had another really long and strange dream.

It started off fairly normally. Julian and I were going on some sort of road trip. I think it was New Year's or something and all this crazy stuff happened, like this random lady was put in charge of keeping the drunk driver's off the road, and we got a ride somewhere with her, and then realized she was a bit nutty so decided to make our own way again...just a bunch of on and on stuff that didn't really make much sense...

Anyway...somewhere along the way Julian turned into somebody else: a boy from my choir named Andrew Malcolm, and in the dream I was now dating HIM! This was a problem for me for many reasons. First of all Andrew is kind of young for me, as he is just graduating high school this year. Also, like me, he has a different significant other...her name is Allison. I was very distraught about the problems that could come from this situation.

We came back from our road trip and he dropped me off at my parent's house, where I was to have a big party that night. One of the first groups of people to show up to the party was Allison, and I tried with all my might to avoid her at all costs. Inevitably she was able to catch my eye and with the coldest of glares proceeded to call me such names as "Boyfriend Stealer" and other unsavoury terms. The whole time I was just feeling terrible about how I possibly could have gotten myself into such a situation. More than just Allison's feelings were at stake here, and I was quite concerned with how Julian (my other boyfriend) would react to this news.

I eventually found him at the party too, and said "Julian, I've got bad news...I'm dating Andrew!" Julian seemed generally unperturbed by this bit of information. He reassured me that things would all work out and that I should just calm down. While Julian didn't seem to be bothered in the least, I was still pretty upset and tried to devise a way to let Andrew down easily so that I could live happily with only one boyfriend. Two was proving to be a bit stressful.

So, I went to find Andrew and found him in a room with a bunch of other people. I was trying to talk to him, but there were so many other people around I was having a hard time concentrating, so I asked the other people to leave so I could talk to him. They left, but other people kept coming back in the room. I remember telling Andrew that I didn't think this was going to work out, what with Allison and Julian and everything that made our being a couple far too complicated for my liking. Andrew responded much in the same way as Julian, reassuring me that everything would be alright and telling me that he would take care of Allison...he may have rubbed my arm in a loving manner and gazed at me a little too long which made the whole breaking up with him undoable at the moment, especially with other people around.

I left the room, and I remember seeing Allison again out of the corner of my eye talking to somebody else, so I quickly walked in the opposite direction to avoid another unpleasant encounter with her. At this point my house turned into a ferry boat and I was proceeding down a hallway to the outside deck of the boat. I stepped outside and it was a beautiful sunny day and on one of the benches sat my sister, Shelley, making friendship bracelets. I ran over to her and sat on her lap and tearfully explained my problems to her. She was sympathetic and tried to console me, but before she could give me any advice we were bothered by some random guy trying to sell us raffle tickets. Shelley bought one, and at that point I woke up.

The End.


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